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Finding Power in Groups – Stories of Strength

Stories of solidarity from North India that show women coming together to start enterprises and change the face of their villages.

Hand In Hand India on Job CreationSkill DevelopmentVillage Uplift
13 Oct 2020

8 Tips to rebuild Indian MSMEs in the Post-COVID world

MSMEs are the key building blocks to a self-sustaining nation. Here are 8 tips to rebuilding Indian MSME's in the post-COVID world.

Hand In Hand India on Job CreationOur Opinions
26 Jun 2020

Adapting to the Post-Covid world – Six women entrepreneurs from rural India show the way

We interviewed women entrepreneurs from rural and semi-rural India on how they plan to face the post-COVID world. Here are six stories.

Hand In Hand India on Job Creation
25 May 2020

Business Makeover at the Bottom of the Pyramid

How we broke the standard view that entrepreneurs and startups are only from the urban scene. Meet women entrepreneurs from rural and semi-urban India.

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4 Oct 2019

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