Our Aim
Our goal of creating jobs is closely tied-in with building skills in people and making them job-ready. Our Skill Development pillar aims at bridging the gap between skills and employability among youth, women and farmers.
We offer training in 16 trades that are both location- and demand-specific. As a partner of the National Skill Development Corporation, our training material has been standardised and verified. We also provide soft skills training – such as training on attending interviews – making people truly job-ready. Our connect with the industry helps ensure that skills imparted are put to effective use in the right jobs.
Impact of Skill Development Programmes
People trained in e-Literacy186,894
Women given skill training27,417
Youth skill trained170
Skill training centresBihar
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment
After undertaking a needs assessment with the corporate sector, we identify the skills and talent required for the next five years.This way, we target sections of people and provide them with employable skills. Trades with strong market potential are also identified as part of this exercise.
Appropriate Selection
Appropriate Selection
Our fine-tuned targeting mechanism ensures that only the right candidates undergo skills training. Aptitude, psychometric tests and interviews are part of the selection procedure.The aim of these is to determine the commitment levels of the candidate in pursuing the skills training.
Our training-to-placement ratio stands at a proud 70%! Our methodology ensures that the skill of the candidate is matched well with the target job. Candidates who choose to start their own ventures are also provided support through loans and business management training.
Providing Training
Providing Training
We train women, youth and farmers in agriculture, electronics, automotive sector, IT & ITES, apparel, handicrafts, beauty and wellness. Being an accredited partner of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), our training stretches to 16 trades across five sectors.

Stories Of Change
Shubam Maheshwari, 22
Mobile Shop Owner, Madhya Pradesh
Subham Mobile Gallery in Dewas is one of a kind. Locals head there when they need their mobile repaired, or for their stationery items and photocopy needs.
Read More StoriesHelp more people learn new skills
Our skill training centres are set up as per National Skill Development Corporation standards with state of the art facilities and training material. By supporting a centre, you create a platform to skill train women or youth in 16 trades and contribute to the growth of our economy.