Hand in Hand India has accomplished a lofty feat by creating 10 million jobs as at 31 October 2024. This important milestone has been accomplished before 2025, the target year set for 10 million jobs. An independent audit by M-CRIL inclusive microeconomics confirmed the results, and this achievement is dedicated to the passion and unwavering commitment of the teams at Hand In Hand India and Belstar Microfinance Limited.
To contemplate what made this possible –it's the support of 5 million entrepreneurs who have built their businesses under our tutelage and the faith of 10 million women who choose to partner with us over the last two decades. Our guiding philosophy of working with only women and giving them the confidence to take life-changing decisions is at the bedrock of this achievement. The gratitude expressed by these women for the transformation of their households bears testimony of our work.
Our entrepreneurs run around 5.4 million family-based enterprises (investment of less than ₹ 50,000), approximately 135,000 micro enterprises (investment between ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 75,000), and 1,250 small and medium enterprises (investment between ₹ 75,000 and ₹ 3,00,000). These enterprises employ an average of 1.7, 6.2, and 3.8 millions respectively and provide cumulative employment to 10 million. Ancillary sectors within Agriculture such as dairy, livestock and food have the largest concentration of enterprises.
Most of the businesses indicated that they earned sustainable income after operating businesses for more than 6 years. Households used the extra income earned on education of children and healthcare of members. This fostered financial independence of women. On the non-financial aspects, the extra income earned by women helped them to earn the respect of their family and community. Their opinions were sought more often on important decisions.